The scientific art of persuasion
Whether it is a chat at a networking event, a conversation with a potential client or a presentation at a conference in front of 500 people–scoring the goal of persuasion always follows the same patterns: Does it make sense what the speaker says? Do I believe the speaker? Do I feel emotionally connected with the speaker and the speech topic?
For 2,300 years this has been the rhetorical mix it takes to score that goal. In this interactive keynote training speech you’ll learn about numerous tips and techniques that will turn your vivid players into deadly strikers. Many things you’ll hear will not be new, it’ll rather be common sense. But no one said it better than Voltaire, the great French philosopher: “Common sense is not so common.”
It has never been easy to score that goal of persuasion. But, as a persuasive communicator, you have no option: The ball must go in!
“Florian’s keynote speech ‘The Ball Must Go In’ was inspiring, groundbreaking, and offered many rhetorical insights that, without a doubt, will help us professionally. Many participants expressed their gratitude to me for having invited Florian and I believe that his performance, by far, exceeded the objective we had marked. It was such a powerful opening! Afterwards, many speakers made humorous callbacks to his ‘tips’ in their talks. Thank you, Florian!”
María José Tomé, Head of Engineering, Roche Diagnostics Spain

“In my corporate trainings or after keynote speeches at the bar, I often hear the question: ‘Florian, how did you become a professional speaker?’
My answer is always the same: ‘I had no money.’
I remember that ticket machine at Rosenthaler Platz subway station in Berlin asking me for €2.10. I grabbed in my left pocket… €1.27.
That was in May 2009. Eight months earlier and based in Barcelona I had left my employer KPMG, the global advisory firm, after almost a decade. I wanted to go after my vision to create a first European cultural festival.
That project failed. This is how I ended up with €1.27 in my left pocket. Time to act.
But – what could I do?
In 2005, I had entered a Barcelona chapter of Toastmasters International, the world’s biggest public speaking club. Soon, public speaking became my greatest passion.
Back to May 2009. After my €1.27 experience I started to turn this passion into a profession under my personal brand.
Was it easy? No. It took me 16 months till I finally found my first big corporate client – Accor, the French hotel giant.
Ever since I have dedicated myself to helping companies and individuals boost their charisma by teaching them the power of persuasive communication and memorable presentations.
Today, a collaborator of IESE Business School Barcelona and author of four books, I offer keynote speeches, transformational communication seminars, presentation coaching, and event moderation in English, German and Spanish mainly to international brands like Banco Santander, Chupa Chups, Danone, Microsoft, Moët Hennessy or Zalando.
My passion for public speaking reached a new peak in 2012. I launched Rhetoric – The Public Speaking Game™ together with the international speaker, trainer and blogger John Zimmer who is also part of our Top Speaker tribe.” — Florian
More impressions

“After 5 seconds we were surprised. After 60 seconds we were hooked. After 5 minutes we put down our smart phones. Florian’s vibrant personality and exciting content impressed us. He’s empathetic, competent, concrete and authentic – a true top speaker!”
Thomas Kombrecht, Product Marketing Manager, Microsoft